Author Archives: Simone Reymenants

Deep diving caves

Deep diving in the caves of Song Hong and Sra Keow Deep diving with: Fred, Chris and Jane Apr 2016 Deep diving Instructors: Ben Reymenants Written By: Ben Reymenants When we do deep diving in the caves, local Thai people often ask me what I’ve seen when they see me surface after a couple of […]

CCR rebreather options

CCR REBREATHER OPTIONS 7 Days of intense training paid of it’s reward and Elijah and Pier venture with great confidence around the waters of Thailand. Where Elijah purchased his Own ISC Megalodon rebreather prior to the course, Pier opted for the multi CCR Rebreather options where the generic course is run on a CCR of choice (ISC […]

SSI XR Advanced Wreck Course

SSI XR Advanced Wreck Course Paul Nebbs, Co-owner of Scuba Cat took the challenge to enroll in one of the first SSI XR Advanced Wreck courses in Phuket. Phuket boasts a number or wrecks from ‘easy’ to ‘technical’, so any candidate wreck explorer will find excitement to their measure. The newly revamped advanced wreck program from […]

Tech Courses in January at Blue Label Diving

TECH COURSES THAILAND We’ve had a hectic and busy months December 2015 and January 2016. The year started good. We have had tech courses for people from all over the world in our shop. Edward from Singapore, Flip from Holland/Singapore, Dimitri from Belgium, Johan from Germany, Tham from Singapore,Gregory from Holland, Sjon and Ellen from […]

SSI Extended Range Instructor

SSI Extended Range instructor Xovers I take great pleasure introducing a handful of SSI Extended Range instructor candidates to the Thailand Diving community. What’s so exciting about this program? It is a totally revamped, 100% digital and truly interactive program, where the diver does most study from their smart device or even phone, including knowledge […]

CCR JJ Cave course November 2015

CCR JJ Cave course in November and December 2015. CCR cavern, intro to cave, Full Cave and  CCR Cave to 60 meters From Mid November Marco Carraro was here to do his CCR JJ Cave course and CCR JJ Cave Trimix Course. The viz was better than usual in Sra Keow, there is a new […]

Underwater Light Dude Dive Torch review

Dive Torch review by Ben Reymenants – Underwater Light Dude   I destroy things. Not because I like to, just because my job poses high demands towards equipment. As a ccr cave instructor trainer, I live like a coal-miner; most of the week in the outback and every day underground. If there’s one thing I […]

Guide on scuba diving courses and internships

Complete guide on scuba diving internships and scuba diving courses in Phuket, Thailand. Do you want to get away from the regular, mundane activity and do something spectacular? Scuba diving serves as a passport to another world. We give you a Complete guide on scuba diving internships in Phuket, Thailand. This form of learning how to dive […]

Which CCR Rebreather – Pathfinder vs Poseidon MK6

Which CCR Rebreather The ISC Pathfinder vs Poseidon MK6 After the JJ-MEG comparison, friends and students have asked us to do a review on the so-called rec – tec hybrid rebreathers the ISC Pathfinder and the Poseidon MK6. So which CCR Rebreather? The label is perhaps an unfair one because as two of the most […]

Padi Tecrec diving courses in Thailand


Padi Tecrec diving courses in Thailand – Are you an experienced diver? Do you want transition from recreational scuba diving to technical diving? All you need is right training that allows you to dive further underwater. PADI Tecrec courses are an answer to your question as they let you experience the magic of underwater […]