SSI TXR ITS in Phuket with Blue label Diving SSI is proud to announce 3 new Mixed gas instructor trainers who successfully passed the quite enduring SSI TXR ITS week of assessments, decompression dives, minute dive planning and presentations in order to become a SSI TXR asset in SSI’s prestigious Extended Range program. The SSI […]
Category Archives: SSI XR course
October 2016 Tech Diving courses special Thailand During the month of October many people all over the world have the autumn holidays. In Thailand, especially during this month, the weather can be quite windy, which means the boats can go out to the Dive Sites we need for our Technical Diving courses. This is why […]
SSI XR Advanced Wreck Course Paul Nebbs, Co-owner of Scuba Cat took the challenge to enroll in one of the first SSI XR Advanced Wreck courses in Phuket. Phuket boasts a number or wrecks from ‘easy’ to ‘technical’, so any candidate wreck explorer will find excitement to their measure. The newly revamped advanced wreck program from […]
TECH COURSES THAILAND We’ve had a hectic and busy months December 2015 and January 2016. The year started good. We have had tech courses for people from all over the world in our shop. Edward from Singapore, Flip from Holland/Singapore, Dimitri from Belgium, Johan from Germany, Tham from Singapore,Gregory from Holland, Sjon and Ellen from […]
SSI Extended Range instructor Xovers I take great pleasure introducing a handful of SSI Extended Range instructor candidates to the Thailand Diving community. What’s so exciting about this program? It is a totally revamped, 100% digital and truly interactive program, where the diver does most study from their smart device or even phone, including knowledge […]
SSI XR Cavern course in Thailand We have just finished the SSI XR Cavern course. Its the end of a 3-day intense Beta-testing our brand new SSI XR Cavern course program, deploying 3 out of 4 generic configurations; ccr, sidemount and twinset. Showing the compatibility of each system and universality in emergency situations. Well done Paul, Claus, Lassi […]