Pictures of The TDI Cave Side mount course after finishing his Full Cave Course in Song Hong, Nicolas straight away has done some deep dives and today his fun dive to 100 meters!! Maksym did his Intro to cave Instructor and Dave Polley from Koh Tao Davy Jones Locker was also cave diving in Song Hong. Cave Sidemount is a very useful course if you want to pursue advanced Sidemount skills/diving for any cave diving in the future. Sidemount Diving actually came from Cave Diving as its much easier and safer to dive with 2  or more tanks on your side, so you can easily access the vales, tanks and crawl through tiny spaces by easily un-clip you tanks and instead of having them on your back (which makes you much wider) and swing them in front of you.

As you can see in the pictures the banner of the deepest wedding ever is still on the habitat in the lake, placed by BLD last year.

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