SSI Perfect Buoyancy Specialty course
SSI Perfect Buoyancy Specialty course is a specialty that can be fully conducted in a pool. The training aims to optimize the buoyancy control of a diver. Streamlined and graceful, a diver with good buoyancy glides through the water effortlessly, leaving others in awe and admiration.
More often than not, you see your instructors glide through water, seemingly not even moving an inch. In this course, we will teach you exactly that. You will learn how to breathe, when to kick and when not to kick to reach a trance-like condition underwater.
With good buoyancy control, you will consume less air, and is less likely to get fatigue underwater. You will also utilize different fin kick methods to make maneuvering underwater easier. In this course, you will learn skills like backward finning (Reverse Frogkick), 360° finning (Helicopter fin kicks) and many more.
The duration of the course is one day and you can stretch it longer if you are staying for long period in Phuket.