SSI Extended Range instructor Xovers I take great pleasure introducing a handful of SSI Extended Range instructor candidates to the Thailand Diving community. What’s so exciting about this program? It is a totally revamped, 100% digital and truly interactive program, where the diver does most study from their smart device or even phone, including knowledge […]
Tag Archives: SSI
SSI XR Cavern course in Thailand We have just finished the SSI XR Cavern course. Its the end of a 3-day intense Beta-testing our brand new SSI XR Cavern course program, deploying 3 out of 4 generic configurations; ccr, sidemount and twinset. Showing the compatibility of each system and universality in emergency situations. Well done Paul, Claus, Lassi […]
SSI Instructor Crossover Course – Blue Label Diving I’ve come to expect nothing but the best from Blue Label Diving and my SSI Instructor Crossover course with Por Parasu Komaradat was no exception. Many Instructor Development Courses (IDCs) take just a few days to churn out unqualified instructors who will, likely, not be able to […]
SSI Science of Diving Specialty Course Every diving course passes knowledge to students at a level appropriate to their interests and previous training. Some courses are progressive. For example, most agencies require nitrox training before allowing a student to enroll in a course that teaches decompression diving. Other courses are more fundamental and apply to […]