Together with TDI South East Asia, Blue Label Diving has decided to join the TDI Perks Partner program for you.
During this COVID 19 crisis lots of things are taken away from us and from you and we would like to GIVE instead.
What does this partnership mean for you? Well if you are a TDI diver and you are looking for a new course to do we will give you 10% on all the TDI courses on our website (except the instructor courses) and a 15% discount on all our cave courses.
The partnership is until the end of the year 2020.
Blue Label Diving will also make sure that once the borders open and international flights are allowed back into Thailand, we will let you know and also that we will do everything possible to keep you safe. Our shop will be cleaned meticulously, our staff will wear masks and we will make sure you will have new mouth pieces for all our regs and masks are cleaned with dettol every time after use.