DDI Instructor Training Courses at Blue Label Diving
Blue Label Diving is happy to announce that in the resent months our Instructor, Claus Rasmussen, has become a DDI Instructor Trainer. This means we can now offer DDI Instructor Training Courses at Blue Label Diving.
DDI Disabled Divers International
DDI -Disabled Divers International, is one of the foremost training organisations setting standards for training of people with disabilities. Since the initiation in 2010 the non-profit agency has gained world wide recognition for their Professional and non-professional courses.
The DDI programs utilise the training materials and standards of scuba diving training organisations like PADI, SSI or RAID. It allows the student diver that might be too challenged by the normal requirements to still experience scuba diving and training in a safe manner and achieve a certification with limitations.
DDI Pro Development Courses
The DDI Instructor Training Course and the rest of the Professional Development Courses are aimed at candidates that are already dive professionals with other training organisations. The idea is to give the dive professionals some additional tools like techniques, equipment modification ideas and background theory to assist in the work with both disabled and non-disabled divers. The professional training courses are 2-3 day programs and are run more like a workshop or a cross-over program. As a Dive professional you will be certified to the equivalent level inside the DDI system.
DDI Instructor Training Course schedule and pricing
A generic schedule of the Pro Development Courses would be looking like this:
Day 1
- Welcome and course orientation
- Working with disabled student divers
- Lunch
- Review of medical information
- Review of DDI standards
Day 2
- Confined Water Skill training
- Lunch
- Examination
- Review of DDI website and member database
- Certification
The price of the course is 600 US$ and includes training materials and fees. As a dive professional you will need to bring your own scuba equipment and we also require you to have your own swimming gloves. If needed we can naturally assist with equipment rental and glove purchase.
The DDI Instructor Training Courses is available on request.
For more information please contact Claus@bluelabeldiving.com