SSI XR Advanced Wreck Course
Paul Nebbs, Co-owner of Scuba Cat took the challenge to enroll in one of the first SSI XR Advanced Wreck courses in Phuket. Phuket boasts a number or wrecks from ‘easy’ to ‘technical’, so any candidate wreck explorer will find excitement to their measure. The newly revamped advanced wreck program from SSI has been adopted under the recently released XR program, which was designed to erase the gap between technical diving and recreational diving. Market research shows that most recreational divers have been a ‘bit deeper’, clocked a few minutes of deco. or ventured a little inside a wreck or cavern. By allowing divers to wear their standard single tank BCD and equipment, these entry level XR courses are more accessible to the broad diving public. Extra safety features are implemented such a small backup pony bottle, a proper light and a reel, before divers are sent off on their first wreck or cavern dive, strenuous skill-sets such as line laying , air sharing or blind exit. Since the techniques of diving in overhead are very similar, the advanced wreck course and cavern course can be combined, particularly since they boast the same interactive online learning course, one of SSI’s strongholds in the industry